Friday, April 17, 2020

All Mixed Up

Several weeks ago I found one of the older discipleship courses put out by Lifeway at a used bookstore. The study is called "The Mind of Christ" by TW Hunt & Claude V. King.

As I was reading this morning, I came across the following statement: "Our minds often are so mixed with the world's way of thinking that we need to be reoriented to God's way of thinking".

That sentence struck a chord with me. Proverbs tells us that "as a man thinks in his heart so is he". We have the capacity as humans to choose what we think about. What we think about, concentrate on, focus our mental attention on, allow to influence our mind becomes the grid through which we interpret our circumstances and make decisions in the midst of those circumstances. What we think about and how we think determines the person we become -- whether we are growing more like Christ or more like the world.

And, unfortunately, we are oftentimes like Hannah Montana -- we want the "best of both worlds". Our thinking becomes "all mixed up" when we yield our mental attention to being more influenced by worldly, humanistic viewpoints rather than biblical ones.

What has a greater influence on our thinking today? Is it the voice of the world or the scriptures? Are we developing the "mind of Christ" (1 Corinthians 2:16) through consistent exposure to, meditation on, and obedience to the scriptures (Hebrews 4:12)?

Maybe, just maybe, this time of quarantine could be the turning point for many of us -- that God could use this time in our lives to reorient and renew our minds (Romans 12:1-2) toward His kingdom rather than the world.

I pray that He will do just that -- in me, in us all.

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