Friday, February 3, 2023

And...just like that...

 And...just like that...January is gone. 

Time marches on. The hours and minutes tick on by. 

Did you think 10 years ago that you would be where you are today? 

While I am by nature a nostalgic kind of person (most of us are at various times I suppose), as I approach 50 years old in just 15 months, questions of that nature are more prevalent in my thinking these days. I mean, most likely, more than half of my life is in the books. Wow!

Have I been as faithful to the Lord as I could have been? How many times have a made excuses for the sins I've committed along the way rather than owning them before the Lord? Have I learned from the mistakes I made along the way? Why am I still struggling with certain things in my life -- I mean, I figured I would have "mastered" that by now. 

Yeah, I know. Too much introspection can be unhealthy. And, there is that verse in Philippians that says "forgetting those things which are behind". Yet, I can't help but wonder -- what if we used introspection in a healthy manner as a tool to motivate us toward the days ahead to endeavor by God's grace to "press on toward the mark" our our calling in Christ Jesus?

That's what I want moving forward -- because, just like'll be 10 years down the road...what will that blog post read like? I wonder...

How about you?