Monday, March 5, 2012

3 Ds of a Christian

Yesterday with the church, we examined Luke 9:23 as we began a series of "Following Jesus to the Cross." We looked at the 3 Ds of what it means to be a Christian, a follower of Jesus.

First, there is denial - "let him deny himself" - this is a deliberate turning away from a self-centered orientation to living

Second, there is death - "take up his cross daily" - death to ourselves, our sins, our pride, our kingdoms, our ambitions

Third, there is devotion - "and follow me" - allegiance, loyalty, singleness of heart

Everyone who is born again will have an inclination for and a disposition toward this kind of discipleship. This is what saving, radically transforming grace does in the conversion of a person from death unto life.

And, in the words of Kyle Idleman, are you a fan or a follower?

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