Friday, September 11, 2020


The reality of brokenness can be felt and seen in so many places in the world. The core piece of the brokenness we experience is because of the broken relationship humanity has with its creator. When that relationship became broken, the effects were felt throughout all of creation...especially within ourselves. We are scrambling to find wholeness and significance and peace for the internal part of ourselves; searching for that sense of well-being and being restful. We search and search for ways to fill that void, to alleviate that emptiness--even for a moment. The problem with looking for solutions either within ourselves or in the things of the world like careers, sports, other people, food, technology, social media, activism, etc. -- they are, as Jeremiah said, like broken cisterns that hold no water. Sure, there is a temporary relief from the internal struggle and striving, but it is just that--temporary. It doesn’t last--they overpromise and underdeliver. We have to keep chasing the next feeling of relief like a drug addict or alcoholic chasing the next fix. That’s why we have to keep going to the next thing, the next cistern because that one eventually dries up -- someone betrays us or lets us down -- the “coolness” of whatever activity we are engaged in wears off and we are left wanting once again. The path toward wholeness and deep satisfaction and joy and, dare I say, happiness -- is the restored relationship with our creator through Christ. In Him we find our sufficiency--our wholeness--He is the well that never runs dry. Are you feeling the effects of your brokenness today? Run to Christ -- run to the well that never runs dry.

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