Monday, June 17, 2013

Developing the Christ-like Mind, part 1

Yesterday during the Sunday morning gathering, we dove into Paul's declaration in 1 Corinthians 2:16 where he says that "we have the mind of Christ". That is stunning declaration for us because many times we don't think of ourselves as having a Christ-like mind. Yet, having the Christ-like mind is kind of like having muscles in our body. When we are born, we have muscles. Those muscles are weak and undeveloped, but they are present. Similarly, when we are born from above by the Holy Spirit, by virtue of the Spirit's indwelling presence, we "have" the mind of Christ. It is undeveloped and immature, but it is present within us. This is one of the reasons why Paul rebukes the Corinthian congregation (1 Cor. 3:1-4) about their spiritual immaturity; they have not developed the Christ-like mind as Paul had expected of them.

What is the Christ-like mind?

The Christ-like mind encompasses the thought patterns, attitudes, lifestyle, and habits of Jesus. It includes the carrying out of the instructions that Jesus has given to us as his followers. The Christ-like mind is all about doing the will of our Heavenly Father. Jesus was oriented to the will of the Heavenly Father; he took his direction from his Heavenly Father.

What are some characteristics of the Christ-like mind?

TW Hunt and Claude King summarize the Christ-like mind in their study, The Mind of Christ. They use the following to describe the Christ-like mind: alive, single-minded, lowly, pure, responsive and peaceful.

The Christ-like mind is alive to the things of God and awakened to them.
The Christ-like mind is single-minded, pursuing with loyalty and devotion the will of the Father at all times.
The Christ-like mind is lowly; it is humble and meek.
The Christ-like mind is pure, free from those things that would contaminate it.
The Christ-like mind is responsive, responding to the voice of the Heavenly Father as He speaks through His Word, through prayer, through His people, and through circumstances.
The Christ-like mind is peaceful, resting in the hands of the Heavenly Father even when the circumstances are not "peaceful".

In view of a larger picture of the Christ-like mind, three passages of scripture would be helpful to study in greater detail:

  • Galatians 5:22-23 - The Fruit of the Spirit
  • Matthew 5:3-12 - The Beatitudes (really the whole Sermon on the Mount)
  • James 3:13-17 - The Virtues of Godly Wisdom
Coming later this week, part 2

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