Thursday, April 25, 2013


CJD stands for Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. This coming Saturday, my sisters and I will be walking/running in a 5K in Clemmons to help bring awareness to this disease and help raise money for research. Unfortunately, I've learned more about the disease than I ever wanted to know about 5 years ago. CJD is the disease that took the life of our mama in June of 2008. It's really hard to believe it has been almost 5 years. Can't even write this without tearing up. God has been so gracious in helping us along the journey since mama died.

At the present time, there is no cure for the disease. You can read more about the disease here. It is a neurological brain disease where bad proteins begin to eat the good proteins. Some have compared it to mad cow disease because some of the symptoms are very similar.

If you are so inclined, you may check out the CJD Foundation and give a donation to the research. Or, you could give a donation to the Gideons in her memory.

There is no pressure here whatsoever; it's just been on my mind ever since we decided to run/walk in the race and I thought I'd share a bit.

Thanks for listening.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Articles for Edification - April 22, 2013 Edition

The Secret to becoming Awesome  - don't let the title turn you away; there are some good points here taken in the context of "calling"

Keeping Church Members from dropping out

Spiritual Maturity tied to strong Doctrinal Beliefs - interesting article

When is it time to leave

What's in a name - Should a church have a denominational label in its name? - good research here

Assurance of Salvation

Good Nutrition

20 Hidden Ministry Killers - interesting take on this

Is Your Church Stuck? - food for thought

"Do Your Best and Jesus will take care of the rest"

I have traveled by this sign on several occasions, and it always puts something in my crawl when I read it. "Do your best and Jesus will take care of the rest". It's really hard to give the benefit of the doubt on this one. However, I am not sure of the context in which the phrase it meant to be taken. I am wondering, what is "the rest"? How does this phrase line up with our declaration that "Jesus paid it all"? Also, my mind thinks toward Philippians 3:1-7, and Paul's litany of "his best". When he finishes listing his "best", he doesn't then cry out to Jesus to take care of the rest. Rather, he calls "his best" all "dung" (think cow manure) when compared to the righteousness he received from Christ's perfect and sinless life through faith. His "best" wasn't good enough and never would be. So, when it comes to righteousness before God, our best is never good enough and never adds anything to the imputed righteousness we receive from Christ through faith.

A better sign post might be the words from a recent hymn:

In Christ alone my hope is found, he is my light, my strength, my song
This cornerstone, this solid ground, firm through the fiercest drought and storm

Thank Jesus today, he gave his best and it was better than good enough!