Thursday, April 26, 2012
Acts 17
"I do not argue with atheists. I simply say, "You know very well that God exists. Your problem isn't that you don't know that God exists; your problem is that you can't stand Him." The sin of man is not atheism; it is religion, which is how we distort God's revelation of himself. We shape a deity in our own image and make houses for Him with our own hands, and serve and worship the creature rather than the Creator; exchanging the glory of God for a life (Rom. 1:25). Paul the told the Romans that God so manifests himself that every human being knows God, and knowing we refuse to worship Him as God, neither are we grateful, and we turn ourselves to idols (Rom. 1:21). That is what religion is---the substitution of a false god for the true God. Even Christianity can become a religion when we substitute the God of scripture for a god of our making."
Sunday, April 22, 2012
On the Holy Spirit
"The entertainment model of church was largely adopted in the 1980s and '90s, and while it alleviated some of our boredom for a couple of hours a week, it filled our churches with self-focused consumers rather than self-sacrificing servants attuned to the Holy Spirit"
"There is a big gap between what we read in scripture about the Holy Spirit and how most believers and churches operate today. In many modern churches, you would be stunned by the apparent absence of the Spirit in any manifest way. And this, I believe, is the crux of the problem."
"However, I also believe that the Spirit is more obviously active in places where people are desperate for him, humbled before him, and not distracted by their pursuit of wealth or comforts (like we are)."
"The church becomes irrelevant when it becomes purely a human creation. We are not all we were made to be when everything in our lives and churches can be explained apart from the work and presence of the Spirit of God."
Here is a quote from AW Tozer that Chan uses in the book:
"We may as well face it: the whole level of spirituality among us is low. We have measured ourselves by ourselves until the incentive to seek higher plateaus in the things of the Spirit is all but gone....we have imitated the world, sought popular favor, manufactured delights to substitute for the joy of the Lord and produced a cheap and synthetic power to substitute for the power of the Holy Ghost"
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
On the Blogs for April 11, 2012
Understanding the Gospel (good stuff)
Leadership (hmmmm.......)
Private Sin (is there really such a thing?)
OT influence over the interpretation of the NT (interesting perspectives)
Preaching/teaching with Interaction (interesting)
The church is not the Institution. The institution is not the church. (interesting)
New Sermon Series @ FBCTville
Monday, April 9, 2012
Time, part 3 - Husband
One of the arenas of life that my role as disciple obviously intersects is my role as a husband to my awesome wife.
God has given me a grand stewardship opportunity as a husband. My responsibility to love, serve, protect, and lead my wife is paramount to the cultivating of a good, healthy, and godly marriage. The relationship that my wife and I share must take priority over every other human relationship in the world. Yep, even over our children. God gave Adam and Eve to each other before he gave them children. Unfortunately we have made children into idols in so many ways in our culture. Don't take that the wrong way ----- I love my kids ----- all three of them!
Investing in the life of my wife is absolutely essential to the health of our marriage---investing in things that she likes.
1 Peter 3:7
Certainly, because of Adam's dufus move in the garden by not protecting his wife from the serpent, marriages are hard work and sin is always involved. There must be a lot of grace, compassion, and forgiveness demonstrated and extended in our marriages. Guys, we must take the lead in investing and loving and serving our wives. If that means giving up our hobbies (which really can amount to adultery if you really think through it), then so be it. If that means watching a chic flic instead of a Jason Stathem "kill everybody in your path" one, then so be it.
Investing goes beyond just those things. It includes investing in the spiritual life of your wife------probably the most difficult thing in the world to do. Don't know why, but it is. Praying with your wife, reading scripture with your wife.......why? I have no idea. It's difficult for me. Time to make a change.
How is our stewardship, men, of investing in the lives of our wives? How is the gospel being demonstrated in our marriages? Man, I need to pray something serious for all this. I have a lot of work to do by God's grace and His Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 15:10).
Thursday, April 5, 2012
On the Blogs for April 5, 2012
Jesus' Last Words (good meditation article)
Christianity - Something else entirely (good)
So Much for "your best life now" (good word)
Harmonizing the Resurrection accounts (thought this was good)
Are Pastor Search Committees a Sign of Great Commission failure? (very interesting article; read the whole thing)
The Secret to Christian Community
The Growing Consistency of the Pro-choice Position (interesting)
The Resurrection of Jesus as an Historical Event
The Cup
In the crucible of human weakness he's brought face to face with the abhorrent reality of bearing our iniquity and becoming the object of God's full and furious wrath.
In this, our Savior's darkest you recognize his love for you?" - CJ Mahaney
John 3:16
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Institutionalism and Church
"The Gospels themselves place no small emphasis on Jesus' opposition to the life-stealing structures the Pharisees established for maintaining Israel's spiritual life. One of the church's perennial temptations has been to allow the institutional elements of its corporate life to be treated as primary; to allow its rules and hierarchies to become more important than the people and their relationships; to let the traditions of men trump the commands of God."
In my estimation, this is where many churches are today. We have, in many ways and to varying degrees, given into the temptation spoken of here.
Jesus Died For Us
- Alistair Begg