Monday, December 12, 2011

True and False Conversions

Last night in our bible study, we examined Acts 8:9-25. This is Luke recounting of the gospel going into Samaria through the servant Philip. In the narrative, Simon appears to make a "profession" of faith. He is even baptized and then follows Philip around. We find in the text several clues that this was a "conversion of convenience" rather than a "true conversion" - i.e., 8:12-13 and 8:20-23.

Simon represents many "church members" today. They have made an apparent "profession" of faith, but there is no substance to that faith. It is what James calls a "demonic faith" (James 2:19). 

So, what is conversion? Here are some thoughts on the subject.

Conversion is a term used to describe the result of regeneration in a person that exhibits repentance from sin and faith toward Jesus.

The root of conversion is regeneration. The fruit of regeneration is repentance and faith.

JI Packer writes about regeneration: “The concept is of God renovating the heart, the core of a person’s being, by implanting a new principle of desire, purpose, and action, a dispositional dynamic that finds expression is a positive response to the gospel and its Christ”

Other phrases used in scripture to describe this truth: being born again; born from above; granted spiritual life.

Again, from Packer on repentance: “The change is radical, both inwardly and outwardly; mind & judgment, will & affections, behavior & life-style, motives & purposes, are all involved. Repenting means starting to live a new life"

Now, from John MacArthur: “True salvation is not mere profession or ritual act. It is the divine transformation of the soul from love of self to love of God, from love of sin to love of holiness.”

Let's summarize: Conversion, therefore, does not only point back to a one-time experience, but conversion begins a revolutionized life toward a continual lifestyle of repentance and faith pursuing Jesus as the master and lover of one’s soul.

What are some contributing factors to false conversions today?
- Neglect of teaching on regeneration
- Neglect of teaching on total depravity & the reality of spiritual deadness (cf. Ephesians 2:1-10)
- Our natural tendency toward religion - the performing of external rituals as the "essence" of faith
- Man-centered evangelism - easy-believism; decisionism; sinner's prayer treated as a magic formula
- Self-deception

What are some results in our churches from the presence of un-converted church members?
- Many people have a false assurance of salvation
- Church membership is not "meaningful"
- Many people are concerned with the external of religion only; lots of religious people
- False converts are in leadership positions who have no spiritual depth trying to make spiritual decisions that are spiritually discerned, but do not have the Spirit (cf. 1 Corinthians 2:14-3:3)

What are some questions we can ask to asses the truth of someone's conversion? These are not infallible, just a starting point.
- Do you love Jesus? Are you pursuing Jesus to know him more fully and obey him completely?
- Do you hate sin? Are you growing in your amazement at the fact of God's grace in your life?
- Are you broken over your sin?
- Do you desire to grow in Christ and not just do more "religious activity"?
- Do you desire holiness in your life?
- Is there a progressive direction in obedience in your life?
- What kind of spiritual fruit is being borne in your life?

Where there is spiritual life, there will be spiritual fruit. If it's living, it's fruitful. If it's dead, it won't have fruit--it may have leaves, but not good fruit.

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