Thursday, October 20, 2011


One of the disciplines of the Christian life is prayer. One of the methods for prayer is called the “scripture text method”. This particular method uses a section of scripture to pray through the subjects that the text brings up.

The following is an example of this method using John 17:11-24. This particular passage comes from Jesus’ high priestly prayer in John’s gospel. The following is a guide that helps you pray through this text. Each subject given to pray for is based upon one or more of the verses in the passage. I would encourage you to read the whole chapter and then use this guide during your personal prayer time this week.
  • Pray for believers to live a Christ-like character before the world (17:11)
  • Pray that Christians will experience the complete joy of Jesus in their lives (17:13)
  • Pray for divine protection from Satan (17:15)
  • Pray that believers will live set apart and holy lives in Christ (17:17)
  • Pray for Christians to be united in mission and purpose (17:20-21)
  • Pray that believers will join Christ in His redemptive work and behold his glory (17:24)
This particular resource for prayer comes out of a little booklet entitled Prayer Prompts for Prayer Groups provided by our Baptist State Convention of North Carolina.

In the foyer area of our sanctuary, there is a bookcase. On that bookcase are several different kinds of resources to help you on your Christian journey with Jesus. I hope that you will avail yourself to any of these resources. They are free--use them for your own walk, get an extra one to give to a friend, or whatever--

2 Peter 3:18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

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