1 Corinthians 10:31 - "whatever you do, whether you eat or what you drink do all to the glory of God"
I suppose we must conclude that the application of this verse includes vacationing. I thought about this earlier this morning while walking along the beach and listening to a sermon by Mark Driscoll on my iPod. He was preaching from Luke 18 about Jesus' statement that the whole bible was about Him. And, I'm walking along the beach that Jesus created and told that ocean "you can only come so far."
Worship--to think that the God of the universe who created all this loves me; yes, "the wonder of it all!"
That began my first morning of vacation today, by God's grace.
I humbly desire that my family and me will vacation to the glory of God, but how?
Here are a few suggestions offered humbly:
1. Spend a little extra time in God's Word
2. Make sure you love and enjoy your family (whoever you are vacationing with), they are gifts from God to be enjoyed for his glory
3. Rest - the rhythm of life in creation (Genesis 1-2)
4. Be wise in your entertainment choices (This is wise for all time, but especially on vacation. we tend to "indulge" ourselves on vacation because we think we deserve it.)
5. Be sure not to neglect the body of Christ - If you are away on a Sunday morning, I would encourage to find a local church to meet with. If you are at the beach, find a group of Christians having their service on the beach.
Please don't take these suggestions as hard-fast rules. They are offered by someone who is on a journey to discover more fully how to live all of life to God's glory.
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