Friday, August 28, 2020

Friday Fodder - Flavor (8/28/20)

 Colossians 4:6 reminds us to “let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt…”

Seasoned with salt...when I cook I like to experiment with different “flavors”. Whether it is chicken, pork chops, hamburgers, steaks, etc., I like to put different flavors on them or have them marinade in a new flavor overnight before they are cooked. Some people like spicy flavors while others prefer the sweeter flavors. And, still others, prefer a combination of the two. Some want a lot of kick; others, not so much (we call them wimps).

As Christians, our speech--our conversation, our lifestyle--should have a specific flavor to it. The flavor of our speech should simmer, boil over even, in the flavor of Christ. The flavor of our lifestyle should be the flavor of the kingdom of God, that which is not attached so closely to the things of this world.

Does our speech, our conversation, leave people wanting more of Christ, thirsty for Christ? Does our speech move them in the direction of Jesus? Does it have the flavor of Christ in our words, our responses, or our reactions?

Does our lifestyle--our values, pursuits, longings, desires, activities, attitudes--have the flavor of the kingdom of God, the things of God & the eternal or the flavor of the world?

When people hear our speech or watch our life, what do they taste?