Today is the day, not the "day after" movie from the 1980's when the threat of nuclear war was very real, and people were frightened about that real possibility. It's the day after "Christmas". What does the day after look like for you? How are you responding to it?
Are you going back to business as usual, or has something about this Christmas season caused you to take a step back and evaluate your life, where you are right now? Are you where you want to be?
I mean, we all know that since Christmas is gone for this year, it's time to start looking at the end of 2016 and the beginning of 2017. Reflection and meditation on our lives is a good thing, and there's really no better time to do that than now. It is a good practice for us to reflect on the past year and begin anticipating the new one.
What were some of your greatest challenges during 2016? How did God come through in his steadfast love during 2016? What were some of your greatest victories in 2016? What ways have you grown during 2016?
What are you looking forward to in 2017? What goals are you setting for yourself in 2017----spiritual goals, health goals, personal goals, etc.? Are you putting some action steps in place to reach those goals?
I enjoy the times of the year like New Year's. They seem to be a divine built-in opportunity to kind of hit the "reset" button, to evaluate things in life and prepare a plan to move forward better equipped for the days ahead.
I want to encourage you this week to do some reflecting, evaluating, anticipating, and looking forward to 2017. Where is the Lord directing you in 2017?
God bless and happy new year!