Monday, April 21, 2014

What's the Blog Scoop on 4/21/14

A Cost to all this Preaching? - This is a good article reminding us about the power of God's Word.

Almost all pastors quit on Monday

Why Homosexuality is not like other sins - This is a very good article. Read all the way through.

Even Atheistic Morality is "derived from Christianity" - This is an interesting article, a little deep, but worth the read.

A Faith that Fights - A helpful article on fighting the good fight of faith

I pray that you all had a great Resurrection Celebration yesterday and are ready to do it again today, tomorrow, the next get the picture! Jesus is still alive!

For your encourgement today

Friday, April 11, 2014

What's the Blog Scoop for April 11, 2014

How a man loves a woman - good words here guys

Bible-balance in Christian Ministry - This is a great article, not just for pastors either.

Making Disciples like a Soldier, Athlete...Mom - Ladies, some great encouragement here for you.

9 Things You Should Know About the Rwandan Genocide

A cultural analysis - This is interesting if you this clicks with you.

A Glorious Expedition  - This is another good one guys. Pay attention.

10 Key Events in the Fundamentalist-Evangelicalism History - If you are interested in the history of this movement, this is really good.

The Scopes Monkey Trial - This is a follow-up to the previous article because of this role this trial played in the history of Fundamentalism

My so-called opionion? - This article is a little weighty, but if you can wade through it, there are some good thoughts about the consequences of embracing a "pluralistic" worldview hook, line, and sinker.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What's the Blog Scoop for April 9, 2014

Moralism is not the Gospel - this is a very good article, especially for people who think they were "raised right"

Grumbling or Complaining

When the Gospel Transforms your 9-5 - this is a great article, especially if you work a "regular" job

When You're Waiting in the Wilderness

Inerrancy - This is a new website on the subject of, you guessed it, inerrancy. Looking forward to diving into the content

Please stop forgiving those who don't want forgiveness - This is an interesting article on forgiveness.

9 Things You Should know about the Chronicles of Narnia

Thursday, April 3, 2014

What's on the Blog Scoop for April 3, 2014

A Conscience Captive to the Word of God

When scripture is the controversy - This is a very good post.

Do Your Duty - This gave me a better perspective on "duty" as it relates to everyday Christian life. Very helpful.

When Vision Stops

Grammar Goofs - We are teaching these in schools now, right?